

Q1: 睡眠項鍊如何幫助我提升睡眠質量?

  A: 睡眠項鍊利用特定的頻率與共振技術,旨在協同人體的生物節律,幫助您進入穩定的休息狀態,從而優化您的整體睡眠體驗。


  A: 建議您在睡前30至60分鐘佩戴,並於早晨醒來後取下,這樣能夠讓您在睡眠過程中獲得更好的體驗。

Q3: 睡眠項鍊會影響我正在服用的藥物或健康產品嗎?

  A: 不會。睡眠項鍊不含藥物成分,且為非藥物產品,不會與您的藥物或其他健康產品產生交互作用,您可以安心使用。

Q4: 睡眠項鍊在使用過程中會產生噪音嗎?

  A: 不會。睡眠項鍊無需插電或充電,且完全靜音,不會對您的睡眠環境產生任何干擾。

Q5: 戴上睡眠項鍊後頻繁做夢是正常現象嗎?

  A: 是的,這是部分使用者的常見反應。當身體進入不同的睡眠階段時,夢境的頻率可能會有所變化,這通常與睡眠深度有關。


  A: 是的,這是正常的反應。有些使用者可能會感覺到輕微的麻感或脈衝感,這通常是身體對項鍊頻率調整的自然反應,並且通常是短暫的。

Q7: 我在戴上睡眠項鍊後感覺精神很好,這是正常現象嗎?

  A: 是的,這是初期的適應反應。在剛開始佩戴時,部分使用者會感到較為清醒和放鬆。隨著持續使用,您的身體會逐漸進入不同的休息狀態。

Q8: 戴上睡眠項鍊後,我的心跳略快,這是正常現象嗎?

  A: 是的,這是短期適應期內的正常現象。在初期使用過程中,您可能會感受到一些輕微的生理變化,這些反應通常會隨著使用時間的延長而逐漸消退。

Frequently Asked Questions about the Sleep Necklace (Q&A)


Q1: How does the Sleep Necklace help improve my sleep quality?

 A: The Sleep Necklace uses specific frequencies and resonance technology designed to harmonize with your body’s biological circadian rhythm, helping you achieve a stable state of rest and optimize your overall sleep experience.


Q2: When should I wear the Sleep Necklace?

  A: It is recommended to wear the Sleep Necklace everyday, putting it on 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime and removing it upon waking up in the morning. This allows for a better sleep experience throughout the night.


Q3: Will the Sleep Necklace interfere with my current medications or health products?

  A: The Sleep Necklace does not interfere with any medications or health products and  has no negative side effects. It contains no medicinal ingredients and is a non-pharmaceutical product, making it safe for anyone to use and benefit from.


Q4: Will the Sleep Necklace make any noise during use?

   A: No, the Sleep Necklace is completely silent. It requires no plugging in or charging and will not make any noise, ensuring a peaceful sleep environment.


Q5: Is it normal to experience frequent dreaming when wearing the Sleep Necklace?

  A: Yes, this is a common experience for some users. As your body enters through different sleep stages, you may experience more vivid dreams or simply remember them better, often due to deeper, more restful sleep.


Q6: Besides improved sleep, do users experience any other sensations or effects while wearing the Sleep Necklace?

  A: It is common for some users to experience a mild tingling or pulsing sensation. This is a natural response as your body adjusts to the frequency and is typically brief.


Q7: What if I feel more awake and alert after wearing the Sleep Necklace? 

  A: Yes, this is normal for some users. It’s an initial adjustment as your body adapts to the frequencies of the necklace. You may feel more alert and relaxed at first, but with continued use, your body will naturally shift into deeper, more restful states.


Q8: Is it normal to notice a slight increase in heart rate after wearing the Sleep Necklace?

  A: Yes, a slight increase in heart rate can be a normal response during your body’s initial adjustment phase to the frequencies. While some users may experience this, it is usually brief and subsides with continued use.

